We meet together each Sunday morning at 10.45am and each Sunday evening at 6.00pm.
We gather as a whole family of all ages to worship God, read his Word and hear what he has to say to us from it.
Sunday School
The Sunday School meets together on a Sunday morning, before the morning service, from 9.30am to 10.20 am during term time. We focus on teaching children about Jesus and encouraging them to trust in him.
We begin with everyone together for singing, quizzes, learning a memory verse, mimes, Pictionary, stories and whatever else we can think of that is an enjoyable way for the children to learn. We then split into smaller groups for a Bible story and activity sheets.
We hope that Sunday School is an enjoyable time for the children to learn about Jesus, the King of kings, and we very much look forward to having your children with us.
The Sunday School is taking a break during half-term. It will resume on the 9th March.
16-89 Study Class
The 16-89 study class meets together on a Sunday morning, alongside the Sunday School before the morning service, from 9.30am to 10.20am during term time. Currently we are looking at the Westminster Shorter Catechism, looking at one or two questions each week, considering what the Bible has to say about them and discussing them together.
The 16-89 Study Class is taking a break during half-term. It will resume on the 9th March.